
A segway? What is this ?
More commonly known by the historical brand name “Segway”. A Segway is a single-seater electric personal transporter equipped with a gyroscopic stabilization system, 2 wheels, and a driving handle. The pilot stands on it and uses the swing of the body to move forward or backward. Its learning is relatively simple and accessible to all.
The Segway makes it possible to move silently, without any polluting emissions, and on pedestrian spaces (see question on the regulations), this ecological mode of transport is ideal for the discovery of sites, walks and walks or leisure activities. A new sensational activity that can be practiced alone, as a couple, with family or with colleagues... The applications are many and varied according to age, tastes and desires of each...
Everything is possible…or almost!
Who can ride a segway?
The Segway can be piloted by anyone over 12 years old and weighing between 40 kg and 120 kg. As part of the rental with guide, it is desirable that minors be accompanied by a responsible adult. However, the activity is prohibited for pregnant women, people who suffer from balance disorders and people under the influence of alcohol or narcotics.
What regulations?
The Segway is likened to a pedestrian, and can therefore circulate on all roads open to the public, except on the roadway. They are subject to the rules of the Highway Code relating to pedestrians (articles R.412-34 to R.412-43). The rules of courtesy and good conduct are of course required.
And for security?
Wearing a helmet is compulsory during supervised walks, and wearing joint protection, knee pads, elbow pads, and manners is strongly recommended. All this material is made available to the pilots. A responsible and cautious attitude, following the instructions of the instructor, allows everyone to have fun in complete safety. The latter reserves the right to interrupt or prohibit the start of the ride in the opposite case.
How fast is a segway?
Segways are limited to 18 km/h by design. The bridle for walks is lowered to 14 km/h which allows the pilot to descend on the move in the event of an emergency. But, you will see that for walking and taking full advantage of this activity, a speed of around 10 km/h is very appreciable and comfortable. Of course, everyone chooses their own pace.
Segways in an urban or natural environment?
Both my captain! These gyropods are equipped with inflatable tires with a mixed structure, thus offering the advantage of being able to be used to crisscross the city, to cross the countryside and the edges of the coast, to hike in the forest or to practice on mountain paths, in summer like in winter. However, pay attention to the texture of the terrain, examples: mud, gravel, sand which can make driving a little tricky.
What autonomy?
S3 models can travel approximately 20 km while S5 models travel 10 km more for a duration of 3 hours. Many parameters can influence autonomy, weight of the driver, tire pressure, type of driving (jerky or flexible), speed, slope….